1. Login into https://console.developers.google.com/
  2. On your dashboard click on “Create Project” OR “Select Project” from your list
  3. Once you Create OR select your Project Click on “ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES” on dashboard
  4. Basically “Simontaxi Vehicle Booking” needs following libraries “Places API“, “Directions API“, “Maps Javascrip API“, “Geocoding API“, “Maps Static API“. If you are using Mobile app you need “Places SDK for Android
  5. To add Libraries to your project Click on “ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES” and search for your library

  6. Repeat the Step 5 for each of the library listed in Step 4
  7. Once enable libraries in Step 4 Click on “Credentials” link
  8. Use this key in your Simontaxi Application